【同义词辨析】 2018-05-31 秘密secret-underhanded

secret: implies concealment on any grounds for any motive: a ~ meeting.

covert: stresses the fact of not being open or declared: ~ operations against guerrilla forces.

stealthy: suggests taking pains to avoid being seen or heard especially in some misdoing: the ~ movements of a cat burglar. (cat burglar飞贼: 身手敏捷,从上层楼窗或天窗入室行窃的贼)          misdoing坏事

furtive: implies a sly or cautious stealthiness: exchanged ~ smiles across the room.   slyfurtive互释,都表示设法隐藏(方法或目的),不坦诚

clandestine: implies secrecy usually for an evil or illicit purpose: a ~ drug deal in a back alley.

surreptitious: applies to action or behavior done secretly often with skillful avoidance of detection and in violation of custom,law,or authority: compromised his diet with ~ snacking.   (snack: 零食点心)

underhanded: stresses fraudulent or deceptive intent: a car dealership guilty of ~ practices.

secret秘密: 出于任何理由任何目的掩藏(concealment),convert秘密: 强调公开或宣布,stealthy: 竭力避免被发现(see,hear),常指坏事,furtive: 躲闪小心遮掩,clandestine: 常表示邪恶非法的目的,surreptitious: 偷偷的违反习俗法律权威(custom,law,authority),underhanded: 强调诈骗欺瞒的目的。

记忆方法:1)首字母排序成SCS FCSUFUCS福克斯号在南海South China Sea秘密航行


          3)秘密的意思是避免引人注意mean existing or done without attracting observation or attention.首字母排序成SCS FCSUFUCS福克斯号在南海South China Sea秘密航行